Fun Secret Santa Themes
Are you looking for some fun ways to do Secret Santa this year? These Secret Santa themes should get the creative juices flowing. And don’t forget, we’ve got everything you need to make your party a success with our Secret Santa organizer tools at SneakySanta.Com!

Pick a whole family
Is your family friendly with other families in the neighborhood? Church? Or some community group? You can create a Sneaky Santa group inviting other families to join. You can draw one family name per family and get creative with your wish list items or maybe just put in all the kids names in the drawing and allow them to have the most fun! Pick a date and place to have a party and exchange your gifts.

Pets Love Drawing Names!
Do you and your friends have fur babies? Create a Sneaky Santa group and put all the furball names in a group and draw names! Don’t forget to put their favorite toys on their wish lists! You can even upload your favorite photo of your pooch! Pick your favorite park or gathering place, exchange gifts, and let the fur babies play with their new toys together!

Shop Local Theme
Do you love to support the local businesses in your community? Gather some friends and create a Sneaky Santa group with a goal that everyone shops locally. Not only will everyone enjoy supporting local businesses, but the gifts are bound to be even more unique!

Homemade Gifts
Are you and your friends crafty? How about create a Sneaky Santa group with your creatively crafty friends and exchange those custom homemade items!

Code Names Only
Another super fun way to share Christmas this year is for everyone in your group to register with a secret code name that they only know. How fun, right? Then when you do your gift exchange it’ll be an even greater surprise when you find out your Aunt Sally was “Red Cardinal” or your co-worker’s code name was “Cousin Eddie.” Those aren’t the best code names, but you get the point. 😂
We hope you’re able to add even more fun to your Christmas festivities with some of these fun themes this year. With Sneaky Santa, you can just go traditional when you draw names for Secret Santa, use one of these special theme ideas, or come up with your own great ideas! Sneaky Santa makes it easy to organize Secret Santa anyway you’d like and you’ll soon find out why we say, “It’s Fun to be Sneaky!”
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