Secret Santa Gifts for Musicians
Picked a musician as your Secret Santa this year? Or maybe you’re just looking for gift ideas for musicians in your life. No matter what, our gift-giving gurus here at Sneaky Santa have gathered the best Secret Santa gifts for musicians and placed them in this handy list!
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This popular tool clips directly to the top of the guitar, and can be used to tune acoustic, electric, and bass guitars. It can even be used on ukeleles!
Sheet music stands are important pieces of equipment for a musician to have, and this particular item includes lights for playing in darker areas. Not only that, but it’s adjustable, allowing the musician to play while sitting down or standing up.
Most instruments can be played while sitting down, and this foldable stool offers a portable place to do that. Combined with the sheet music stand above, your Secret Santa would have a complete mobile setup!
Metronomes are useful tools to practice with keeping tempo. You could buy your Secret Santa a digital version, but these mechanical metronomes both function and look great!
No matter what instrument your Secret Santa plays, these cloths will come in handy for cleaning. This pack comes with different sizes of cloths. They’re also machine washable!
This funny shirt is sure to get a chuckle out of your Secret Santa and their musician friends. Plus, it’s a conversation starter for them!
These beautiful prints of patents for various drum designs are the perfect gift for a drummer’s home.
Got a drummer with a sense of humor on your gift list? This hat would be perfect for that!
Is your Secret Santa a pianist? This funny mug will probably get a chuckle out of them. Bonus points if they struggle in the spelling department!
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