Secret Santa Gift Ideas For Teachers

Looking for the perfect gift for the teacher in your Sneaky Santa group? Fear not, for the gift-giving masterminds here at have assembled this list of Secret Santa gift ideas for teachers!

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Apple Post It Note Dispenser - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Amazon

The classic teacher’s apple, but now as a handy post-it note dispenser for their classroom.

Funny Teacher Mug - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Amazon

This mug for teachers will keep their coffee warm and warm the heart of anyone who reads it. That infinity symbol after patience certainly is true.

Abacus Fidget Necklace - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Uncommon Goods

The perfect gift for a math teacher, this little abacus actually works, making it a great thing to fiddle with while working on something.

Newton's Cradle - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Amazon

A Newton’s Cradle is a great gift for a science teacher, as it demonstrates one of the key laws of physics. It’ll even work for non-science teachers since these are fun desk toys that everyone can enjoy.

Monthly Planner - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Amazon

Teaching is busy work, so a way for them to organize their thoughts and events is a valuable tool!

Punctuation Saves Lives T-Shirt - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Amazon

An excellent gift for the English teacher in your group, this funny shirt demonstrates the importance of commas.

Coffee Sampler Kit - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Uncommon Goods

Anyone who has ever dealt with kids know that the job calls for a *lot* of caffeine. This sampler kit supplies both that and the experience of tasting coffee from around the world!

Beaker Wine Glass - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Uncommon Goods

The perfect glass for a science teacher to curl up and relax with after a long day of teaching.

Math Teacher Poster - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Amazon

This funny poster will fit right in with any math teacher’s classroom.

Student Quote Journal - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Amazon

Kids are full of quotes. Some of them are so dumb they’re funny, and some are surprisingly profound. Keeping a journal of those student words of wisdom will help a teacher enjoy those sayings for years to come.

Boston Tea Party Teas - Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Teachers
Image Source: Uncommon Goods

These five teas are the same varieties that were famously thrown into the Boston Harbor back in 1773. These are a great gift for the history teacher in your group, and they also provide that much-needed caffeine!

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