Secret Santa Gift Ideas
For Anyone
In this article, we give you five old reliable Secret Santa gift ideas which are always well-received and can be your first step on the road to winning the title of greatest Secret Santa ever. Let’s get started with the basics here:
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If you picked a person who you know likes the fermented grape, then they are going to love getting a bottle (or two) of your favorite wine to expand their horizons. It is exciting to try something new and trying it for free makes it even better! Wine also makes a great gift because they can hang on to it until whatever occasion they wish to break it open, and they can share it with someone else too. You can order wine online from or find the perfect bottle in a store near where you live.

Gift Cards
Gift cards are always a welcome treat, but make sure they aren’t against the rules in your particular Secret Santa group. Sometimes the group leader will request no gift cards to get people to be more creative with their wishlists. If you do have the approval of the great and mighty group organizer, then try to go for gift cards from well-known retailers. Just because you love the coffee down at Jerry’s on Main, that doesn’t mean the person you are giving the gift card to will ever be able to get by there. Your gift card may just end up in some drawer somewhere and that’s not going to get you the spoils of gift-giving victory. Unless you know for sure a favorite place they like to spend money, you can always play it safe with gift cards from merchants like Amazon, Visa, Walmart, Target, and Starbucks.

Books can be tricky if you don’t know the person well, but if you know enough to know what they like to read, a new book may just be the gift that puts you at the top of the charts. Like trying a new wine, trying a new author or a new book from an old favorite adds extra excitement for the recipient. They aren’t just getting a gift. They are potentially expanding their horizons as well. If you are doing an office Secret Santa, you will definitely want to stay away from anything explicit, political, or otherwise controversial. Be careful with self-help books, because it might be taken as something judgmental if it isn’t something you know the person was looking to improve upon.
If you don’t have any book ideas of your own, we like to consult the Best Books of the Year So Far and the 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime lists on Amazon.

Snacks are universally loved among gift recipients, and the vast range of snacks out there in the world ensures that you can tailor the gift specifically for your Secret Santa! If you’re having trouble coming up with snack ideas, our experts have made this handy list of Secret Santa Snacks to help you pick the perfect one.

Kitchen Gadgets
Believe it or not, people love getting kitchen gizmos from their Secret Santa. Who hasn’t seen some tool or gadget on an infomercial and thought a little too long about picking up the phone and ordering one just to see if it lives up to the hype? Well, a gift from your Secret Santa is the perfect chance to finally get one without any guilt! If the gadget is an epic fail, then it doesn’t matter because the gift wasn’t actually the gadget, it was a chance to finally experience how it works! If it turns out to be a device that changes their very existence, then you are the greatest Secret Santa of all time and all others must bow to your awesomeness. You can’t lose either way! You can find unique kitchen gadget ideas at places like Wayfair, Bed Bath & Beyond, and World Market.
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