Secret Santa Gift Ideas For Cat Lovers

So, you’ve drawn names in your online Secret Santa gift exchange. If you’ve drawn a cat lover, or love the furry felines yourself, you’re probably looking for cat lover gift ideas.  Well, we’ve put together the purrrrfect list of secret santa gift ideas for cat lovers.

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Image Source: Chewy

Cats love swatting these plastic springs around the house. Be prepared to laugh out loud as you watch your kitties slide across the floor as they chase these little springs from wall to wall.

Image Source: Chewy

Ah, refillable squirrels. Just like real squirrels, these cute little refillable rodents are a never-ending source of entertainment. A great toy for your cats to kick and swat around.

Image Source: Amazon

This scratcher is perfect for cats of all ages. Throw a little catnip on it and your kitties will have somewhere else seductively scratchable  instead of your furniture.

Image Source: Amazon

Cats seem to adore the sound and the unpredictable bounce of a rogue ping-pong ball bouncing here and there. As a bonus, ping-pong balls are light and easy on the walls and floor as your cat happily slaps them all over the house.

Image Source: Chewy

Does it seem like your cat sheds the equivalent of an entire cat in fur each day? Well, if you use this glove and stroke your kitty, it will remove all those troublesome loose hairs. It works with dogs too! As an added bonus, the cat gets a nice back massage to boot!

Image Source: Chewy

In case they were wondering, yes, yes I do need all these cats.

Image Source: Amazon

These adorable pens, topped with cute kitties and featuring black ink, are perfect for writing notes, like the one about remembering to bring home more kitty treats.

Image Source: Amazon

Anyone who has had a cat can tell you that cats must not be removed when they are sitting in your lap. Well, this is the perfect shirt for any cat lover whose cat rules their household.

Image Source: Home Depot

Let’s be honest. This is the greatest gift that can ever be given to a cat. No one is capable of explaining the bizarre fascination cats have with these cuboid containers. No matter what you pay for the finest cat bed in the land, the box will always be superior.

Image Source: Chewy

Enjoy watching as your cat skids across the floor trying to catch the elusive red dot. Entertainment for humans and felines alike.

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